Monday, November 15, 2010


Flash:  Testing, One, Two, Three...

From Flickr
The next step in my discovery mapping of Flash is testing and getting a feel of the program.  After dibbling and dabbling with it, trying to use my newfound knowledge, I realized that I learned very little.  That when I was faced with actually trying to use the program for something other than playing with the features, I was lost.

I realized that my technology skills are really child's play compared to the tools, tabs, templates, and a variety of other gadgets made available to you with Flash.  One of the major realizations is that even if I go through all seven hours and seven minutes of the videos that I will still just as lost as I am going through the repeated first half that I have been viewing.  I can't imagine how I going to accomplish anything.

What I learned about Flash is sizes and shapes that you can create.  Beyond the two type a main files that are in the program you work with the most, there are several others listed for those who are in business and not a simple home/ school user at best.  The things that where talked about but didn't leave a lasting impression on my poor overloaded mind are the different types of artistry tools I could use to manipulate and create objects.  The tools available to create, change, and use shapes and colors, and an awesome transforming tool.

Overall the best thing I could create on mind own is sad screen shot below.

It is my hopes with further tutorials, I will be able to create a stunning video.

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