Sunday, November 21, 2010


Flash: Voilà!

Above is my self created image from Flash.  After over seven long hours of training on Flash Essentials and over 24 chapters to view, I must say that I feel filled to brim with Flash knowledge.  

I feel proud that I drew images such as the book that appears to be flying mid air.  I did succeed in working some of the functions such as tweening.  But I couldn't get past how to break apart my images and create them into symbols.  I knew that things like that had to be done.  I just couldn't remember the order and sometimes the process.

So as you look back at my silly but amazingly frustrating journey with Flash, please take this tiny morsel of knowledge; that Flash is a program made for programmers (is my take) and that the best way to handle understanding the dynamics of the it is to take it bits and pieces at a time.  Make a mental to note to learn one thing and then try to execute the activity.  

I learned the hard way that reading the manual all the way through before using the product won't guarantee that you can use it any better than the guy that opened the box and just started fidgeting with the gadget.  So, as my flash picture stated, "Teachers rock because they rule."  And that's even when they aren't successful at Flash ;).
From Flickr

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